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Please be patient while the ghostly images load. View the floating images of Frankenstein, Dracula and Wolfman haunt this site.
Are you looking for the best Monster - Halloween multimedia entertainment on the web? You have come to the right site.
This Multimedia Monster screen saver contains the following:Animated spritesEerie music and other soundsOver 100 sounds, images, and animation within the program. Featured are high quality images of Frankenstein, Dracula and Wolfman.Animated Screen Saver Production of Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman. See below for more details. At this cost this download is a no-brainer.
This Multimedia production is not your everyday Halloween or monster program found on the Internet. This creation is a multimedia production program based on the most famous Monsters of the Past. Frankenstein, the Wolfman and Dracula.
Monsters, Vampires and other Ghouls has over 100 images, sound and animation that change constantly on your desk top.
You'll view eerie images surrounded by the Grim Reaper, Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Wolfman. Bats are flying across your screen, the Grim Reaper swings his axe, a guillotine beheading a poor soul and many more Halloween monster animations.
Your favorite monsters and demons from your childhood memories on your desktop. So download it, install it, dim the lights and get ready for Monster fright.
System Requirements
- Pentium III PC or equivalent
- Windows XP or higher programs
- Sound Card and Speakers
This screen saver is a nice program
Monsters, Vampires and other Ghouls
Multimedia Screen Saver
Featuring Frankenstein - Wolfman - Dracula
| TR>
Tap or click the Monster of choice website
Click below for The Monsters Slideshow 
Beau Productions (BP) Historical Trading Card Collectable Halloween Monster Horror Cards If you are interested in our Horror Novelty Trading Cards (same as baseball cards) as shown below you may purchase on eBay for as little as $5.00 or less.
Click or tap images if interested


Click images above to get your Frankenstein, Dracula, and Wolfman Trading Cards
Or purchase all 7 cards Monster Historical Cards at once for only $15.00 or less.
Click Here

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